Ziggurat Wiki

List of rooms[]

Icon Name Description
Start icon
Starting Room Starting room of each floor. Contains a random weapon.
Boss icon
Boss Room Contains the boss and also the portal to the next level. Needs portal key to activate.
Key icon
Portal Key Room Contains the portal key needed to start the boss and finish the floor. No enemies, but may contain traps.
Treasure icon
Treasure Room Always has a treasure box. Treasure box can contain enemies, perks, weapons or other items when approached.
Hazard icon
Hazard Room Contains obstacles or traps but contains no enemies, usually connected to multiple rooms.
Challenge icon
Challenge Room Features a long obstacle course with a treasure chest at the other end.
Lore icon
Lore Scroll Room A library with a lore scroll and many stacks of books.
Shrine icon
Shrine Room Eldergod shrines for donating health, mana and nothing for random positive or negative effects.
Secret icon
Secret Room Hidden behind breakable walls, contains a perk and lore regarding previous game projects.

List of room modifiers[]

Affects Weapons
Blue Crystal Spells: -50% mana usage
Others: +100% mana usage
Adrenaline Rush Increased attack rate
Green Crystal Staves: -50% mana usage
Others: +100% mana usage
Out of Breath Decreased attack rate
Red Crystal Alchemy: -50% mana usage
Others: +100% mana usage
Fragility Quad damage for everyone
Blue Moon Spells: +50% damage
Others: -50% damage
Wand Challenge You can only use your wand. Increased damage
Green Moon Staves: +50% damage
Others: -50% damage
Every Shot Counts Significantly decreased attack rate and increased damage
Red Moon Alchemy: +50% damage
Others: -50% damage
Affects Enemies
Infirmary / Resting Room Weaker enemies Prison Cell Slower enemies
Runes of Protection Tougher enemies Time Distortion Faster enemies
Magic Affinity Maximum mana shield, stronger enemies Carrot Rain Carrots spawn after death
Hatchery Small enemies Necromancy Enemies are respawned once
David & Goliath Tiny & big enemies Elite Guard Champion enemies
Doppelganger Enemy spawns twice Flatulency Toxic enemies
Behemoth Giant enemies
Affects Player
Hiccups Random uncontrolled hopping Numb No mana or health bars
Juggernaut Move slower, do more damage Hard Earned Double experience. Half damage dealt
Sixth Sense No crosshair Magic Pressure Lower walk speed
Affects Room
Lights Out Reduces the visibility of the player. Wet Floor Lots of sliding due to low friction; does not affect jumping
Affects Drops
Practical Lesson Extra experience, no drops Prohibition No health potions dropped
Piñata More drops Tea Party Lots of health potions
Nostalgia Pixelated graphics Next Gen Reality is red and blue. (lots of brown and bloom)