Perks are the main way to improve the player's powers in the middle of a mission, and range from a simple boost to mana capacity to a chance of burning enemies hurting you. A choice of 3 perks (4 with Bookworm perk) will be presented, and the player must choose one or re-roll for new choices using coins.
In the two tables below, Perks are categorized under the following types:
- Offensive perks help you kill monsters faster.
- Defensive perks reduce the damage you take.
- Healing perks are self-explanatory.
- Movement perks make you more nimble.
- Mana perks restore your Mana, increase its reserves, or make you spend less of it.
- Growth perks help you level up faster, grant you new Perks, or increase maximum stats.
- Utility perks provide assorted useful effects.
As of Update 50, there are 153 general perks and 66 Hero-specific perks in the game.
List of General Perks[]
Name | Description | Type |
Agile | When performing a Dash, you become invulnerable for 1 second | Movement |
Alchemy Affinity | Increases Damage dealt by Alchemy weapons by 15%. Decreases damage for other weapon categories by 5% | Offensive |
Alchemy Pouch | Alchemy Mana Pool increased by 20 Scaling: +20 per level |
Mana |
Alternative | Mana usage for secondary fire lowered by 20% | Mana |
Amnesia | Decrease your Mana Pools by 10% and get 2 more Perks | Growth |
Appraiser | You earn 20 Mana to all categories when picking up Coins | Mana |
Arcane Absorption | Consume your current weapons to get 2 Levels up for every weapon consumed | Growth |
Arcane Summoning | Get a new Amulet. If you already had one, it will be consumed, and you'll get an additional Perk | Utility |
Avarice | Increased Rewards pick radius by 400%, but lower drop rate[1] by 10% | Utility |
Banker | When picking up a Coin, there's a 25% chance it counts double | Utility |
Barter | Shop Prices are halved. All dungeon floors will have a shop | Utility |
Bastion | Increases Fire Rate while stationary by 20% | Offensive |
Berserker | Increase Damage dealt by 30% when you're below 35% Health Scaling: +30% per level |
Offensive |
Black Market | Lose a random weapon (if you have any). Get +15 points of Shield in exchange | Defensive |
Black Orb | Lose half of your current Health to get +10% Damage and Fire Rate | Offensive |
Blood Money | Every Coin picked up counts double. Your maximum Health decreases by 20% | Utility |
Blood Rites | Lose half your current Health to increase your maximum Health by half that amount | Growth |
Bloodlust | You recover some Health when picking up Experience crystals [2] | Healing |
Bookworm | One additional Perk choice upon leveling up, and a 5% boost to Experience | Growth |
Brute | Enemies drop 25% more Rewards when defeated
Reduced Experience gain by 20%[1] +10% Damage Scaling: +25% Rewards and +10% Damage per level |
Utility |
Bunny Hopper | +25% Speed, -25% Mana usage, and +25% Damage while you’re airborne | Movement/Mana |
Burning Wrath | Enemies that damage you have a 25% chance to be set on Fire | Offensive |
Challenger | Recover 25% Health and Mana when starting a Guardian fight | Healing/Mana |
Chanelling | Amulets have a 40% chance to not consume a charge. Amulet cooldown reduced by 25%. | Utility |
Clarity of Mind | +200% Mana and Health recovered on level up | Healing/Mana |
Cleansing | Upon leveling up, all enemies become Cursed. You get 3 Barrier for every cursed enemy. | Defensive |
Conduit | Every Mana crystal you pick up will grant 0.5 Barrier | Defensive |
Consumption | Lose 15% of your maximum Health to get 3 Perks | Growth |
Conversion | If you don't have enough Mana for your current weapon, you'll take it from the other categories | Mana |
Coup de grace | Recover 5 Mana of every Pool when defeating an enemy with your Wand | Mana |
Curiosity | Earn a fixed 10% Experience of your current level progress when starting a combat | Growth |
Curse | Decrease your maximum Health by 10% Enemies hitting you become Cursed |
Defensive/Healing |
Dark Forge | Get a random weapon. That weapon's category deals +20% Damage. Other categories deal -10% Damage | Offensive |
Dark Pact | Lose 25% of your maximum Health to get 4 Perks | Growth |
Deal with the Reaper | Only once, when you're about to die, you'll recover 20% of your Health and become invulnerable for 4 seconds | Healing |
Dismantle | The next 5 chests you open give you 2 Shield each | Defensive |
Druid | Potions give you +10% Health | Healing |
Dynamo | If Mana of the current weapon is over 70%, +10% to Speed+25% Fire Rate | Movement |
Elemental Link | Decrease Mana usage of elemental attacks by 7% | Mana |
Elemental Master |
Offensive |
Energized | Convert 10% of your maximum Health to Shield | Defensive |
Enraged | Increases Damage dealt by 7% Scaling: +5% per level |
Offensive |
Equalizer | Mana crystals are equally split between all categories. +5% Mana from crystals | Mana |
Erudite | Knowledge gems give +50% Experience. Damage dealt reduced by 20% | Growth |
Evil Eye | Enemies that hit you with ranged attacks have a 20% chance of getting Cursed | Defensive |
Fire and Ice | Reduces Fire and Ice Mana usage by 20% | Mana |
Foundry | Increase one level for a random weapon and your Wand, enhancing the Damage they deal. | Offensive |
Freezing Touch | Enemies hurting you with melee attacks have a 25% chance of becoming Frozen.
+10% Ice Damage resistance Scaling: +25% chance and +10% resistance per level |
Defensive |
Fury | After being hit, you deal 50% more Damage for 2 seconds Scaling: +1 second per level |
Offensive |
Golden Weapon | A weapon chosen at random will deal 8% more Damage and have 8% faster Fire Rate | Offensive |
Good Omens | Recover 50% Health, all your Mana, and get +50% Damage for the next combat when picking up the Guardian’s Seal | Utility |
Guardian Angel | Fire a homing projectile when hit | Offensive |
Haste | Increase your Movement speed by 5% Scaling: +5% per level |
Movement |
Healer | Health potions give you 25% on pick up, and 100% over 20 seconds | Healing |
Heavy Armor | Armor: -18% incoming damage, but Speed decreased by 8% | Defensive |
Heavy Pockets | Increase Enemy Drop rate[1] by 10%. Increased Dash recovery time by 10% | Utility |
Heretic | Earn a new Staff. If you already have one, it will be consumed, and the new weapon will deal +10% Damage | Utility |
Hero | +25% chance of spawning Champions. Champions drop +100% Rewards[1] | Utility |
High Stakes | Maximum Health decreased by 25% in exchange for a 25% Damage boost | Offensive |
High Voltage | At the start of a combat, weapons will not use Mana for 12 seconds | Mana |
Impervious | 8% chance of ignoring an incoming negative status effect | Defensive |
In Good Shape | 15% Higher Fire Rate and 10% Damage if your Health is full | Offensive |
Inner Wisdom | Earn a new Spell If you already have one, it will be consumed, and the new weapon will deal +10% Damage |
Utility |
Introverted | Decrease the number of Perks shown on level up by 1. Increase your maximum Health and Mana by 20% Gain 10% more Experience |
Growth |
Leftovers | Dropped Rewards are absorbed with a 40% effectiveness instead of timing out. Does not work on Coins |
Utility |
Life Awareness | Maximum Health increased by +10 Scaling: +10 per level |
Growth |
Lightning Chaneller | Increase Lightning Fire Rate by 20%. Increase Stun Duration by the same amount
Scaling: +10% per level |
Offensive |
Lightweight | Movement Speed increased by 20%. Maximum Health decreased by 5% | Movement |
Loan Shark | Earn Experience when picking up Coins
[3] |
Growth |
Magic Binding | A random weapon changes its category and is placed on the Wands slot. Its damage is reduced by 25% | Utility |
Magic Missile | When picking up Experience crystals, there's a 25% chance to shoot a Freezing bullet | Offensive |
Mana Shield | 20% of the damage received is taken from Mana first | Defensive |
Mana Steal | Recover Mana from Experience crystals[2] | Mana |
Mantra | Spell Mana usage reduced by 15% | Mana |
Meditation | Increase the size of all Mana Pools by 10% | Mana |
Nimble | Dash cooldown reduced by 50% | Movement |
Obliterator | +10% Fire Rate. Mana Pool size decreased by 5% | Offensive |
Opportunist | Elemental Damage to vulnerable enemies increased by 20% | Offensive |
Oracle | Take an Oath to the Elder Gods | Growth |
Overheal | 30% of the unneeded healing by Health potions is converted to Barrier | Defensive |
Overload | Mana crystals give you 30% on pick up, and 100% over 30 seconds | Mana |
Pain Conversion | Recover some Mana (apparently 50 points) when receiving damage
Scaling: apparently 50 points per level Note: this perk effect is unconfirmed/could be wrong. |
Mana |
Penance | After being hit, you become invulnerable for 1 second Scaling: +1 second per level |
Defensive |
Persistence | Items take 200% longer to disappear | Utility |
Pierce | Enemies defeated with an elemental vulnerability will always drop a Mana crystal | Mana |
Poison Brewer | Poison Mana usage reduced by 25%, and its duration is increased by 25% | Mana |
Power Saving | -20% Mana usage for all weapon categories except Wands | Mana |
Power Shield |
Defensive |
Protective Shield | Get 3 Shield points
Scaling: +3 per level |
Defensive |
Psycho | +50% Damage while you are affected by an active status effect | Offensive |
Quick Reflexes | After performing a Dash, you get +50% Fire Rate for 3 seconds | Offensive |
Quick Step | Armor: -17% damage received while sprinting | Defensive |
Recycling | 50% chance of earning 3 Mana when defeating an enemy | Mana |
Regeneration | You regenerate 30 Health for 60 seconds at the beginning of a combat.
Health Potions are 20% less powerful. |
Healing |
Reserves | When spending Mana, the other types recover 5% of the Mana spent | Mana |
Revenge | When receiving damage, there is a 20% chance to spawn a Stunning shockwave | Defensive |
Risky Business | If you're below half Health, you get 75% more Experience from crystals
Scaling: +50% Experience per level |
Growth |
Rough Skin | Friendly fire Immunity.
Armor: -5% Incoming elemental damage |
Defensive |
Safe Path |
Defensive |
Savage | +15% Damage, +25% Mana usage | Offensive |
Scaredy Cat | Get a 25% Speed and Fire Rate boost for 5 seconds after being hit | Offensive |
Scavenger | Enemies drop 5% more Rewards[1] when defeated.
Scaling: +5% per level |
Utility |
Scholar | Knowledge gems give +20% Experience
Scaling: +10% per level |
Growth |
Sensitivity | +40% Experience from crystals. Damage received increased by 15% | Growth |
Shuffle | Consume all your weapons and get new ones with a 10% Fire Rate boost | Utility |
Simplicity | Basic attacks deal +10% Damage | Offensive |
Skillful | Your character skill recharges 25% faster | Utility |
Slaughter | Every time you defeat an enemy, there’s a 25% chance you earn 1 Barrier | Defensive |
Sleight of hand | You switch weapons 20% faster
After switching weapons, you don't use Mana for 2 seconds |
Utility/Mana |
Solstice | 10% fewer enemies spawned on fights. -5% to BossHealth | Utility |
Specialist | A random Mana Pool will increase its capacity by 20% and lower Mana usage by 10% | Mana |
Spotless | When picking up a Mana crystal, weapons of that type won't use Mana for 4 seconds | Mana |
Spell Affinity | Increases to Damage dealt by Spell weapons by 15%. Decreases damage for the other main weapon categories by 5% | Offensive |
Spell Collector | Spell Mana Pool increased by 20
Scaling: +20 per level |
Mana |
Spellslinger | Increase your Fire Rate by 5%
Scaling: +5% per level |
Offensive |
Sprinter | Sprint Speed increased by 20%. You can sprint even while Frozen | Movement |
Staff Affinity | Increases to Damage dealt by Staff weapons by 15%. Decreases damage for the other main weapon categories by 5% | Offensive |
Staff Hunter | Staff Mana Pool increased by 20
Scaling +20 per level |
Mana |
Steady Aim | Staff Mana usage reduced by 15% | Mana |
Stockpile | Reduce Mana usage while stationary by 40%
Scaling: Additional 15% reduction per level |
Mana |
Stone Skin | Armor: -5% incoming damage | Defensive |
Subjugate | Nearby enemies will have their speed decreased by 10% | Utility |
Submission | When defeating an enemy with an active status effect, you earn 8 Mana of each category | Mana |
Sure Shot | Ignore enemies' elemental resistance.
-5% elemental Damage |
Offensive |
Surprise! | Get 2 random Perks. Experience from knowledge gems reduced by 5% | Growth |
Switcheroo | Shoot small Lightning projectiles when switching weapons | Offensive |
Talented | Get 3 Perks immediately.
-15% Experience from crystals from now on |
Growth |
Talented Alchemist | Alchemy Mana regenerates 20 points over 40 seconds at the beginning of a combat
Scaling: +20 points and +10 seconds per level |
Mana |
Talented Spellcaster | Spell Mana regenerates 20 points over 40 seconds at the beginning of a combat
Scaling: +20 points and +10 seconds per level |
Mana |
Talented Staff Wielder | Staff Mana regenerates 20 points over 40 seconds at the beginning of a combat
Scaling: +20 points and +10 seconds per level |
Mana |
Telekinetic | Increase your Item pickup range by 75% | Utility |
Thrifty | If your Health is below 50%, your Mana usage decreases by 50% | Mana |
Tip-Top | Upon picking a Health Potion, +100% Damage for 5 seconds | Offensive |
Torture | Increases duration of status effects on enemies by 20%. | Offensive |
Trader | When picking up Mana, if the pool is full, it will fill other categories | Mana |
Training | Improve a Perk by 2 levels (if you don't have a valid one, earn a random Lvl 2 perk). -5% Experience from crystals | Growth |
Tranquility | Lower Mana usage by 30% if you're at full HealthScaling: -20% Mana usage per level | Mana |
Transmutation | Get a new Alchemy weapon. If you already have one, it will be consumed, and the new weapon will deal +10% Damage | Offensive |
Turtle | Armor: Incoming damage decreased by 25%
Damage dealt decreased by 5% |
Defensive |
Unlimited Power | +20% Damage if Mana for that weapon is over 75% capacity | Offensive |
Unnatural Strength | Current and maximum Health increased by 25%. Speed decreased by 10% | Growth |
Vampirism | When defeating an enemy, there's a 20% chance of recovering 2 Health | Healing |
Vigilant | Recover 10% of your Mana at the start of a fight | Mana |
Vital Energy | Decrease your Mana Pool capacity by 10% and increase your current and maximum Health by 20% | Growth |
Volatile | Rewards disappear 3 times faster, but they're 50% more effective | Utility |
Wand Artisan | +25% Wand Damage | Offensive |
Wand Expert | Increase Wand Fire Rate by 15% Scaling: +15% per level |
Offensive |
Wand Link | Wand Mana regeneration increased by 15% Scaling: +15% per level |
Mana |
Warcry | Recover 5% of your Health at the start of a fight
Scaling: +5% per level |
Healing |
Warlock | Crystals grant +10% ManaScaling: +10% per level | Mana |
White Orb | Lose all your Mana. +20 to your maximum Health | Growth |
Workbench | Alchemy Mana usage reduced by 15% | Mana |
Wrecking Ball | After defeating an enemy, you get +20% Damage for 3 seconds Scaling: +15% per level |
Offensive |
List of Hero-Specific Perks[]
Name | Description | Type |
Climax | Experience from crystals decreased by 10% Damage increased by 12% |
Offensive |
Determination | After using Syphon, +50% Fire Rate for 4 seconds Scaling: +2 seconds per level |
Offensive |
Fast Learner | Experience crystals are 25% stronger when Syphoned Scaling: +15% per level |
Growth |
Feedback | Mana crystals and Health potions are 20% stronger when Syphoned | Healing Mana |
Resolution | After defeating an enemy, Syphon cooldown is reduced by 1 second | Utility |
Willpower | Damage to Barrier is reduced by 15% | Defensive |
Name | Description | Type |
Always Prepared | +25% Fire Rate during the first 20 seconds of the fight
Scaling: +10 seconds per level |
Offensive |
Overwhelm | After using Shove, if 5 or more enemies were pushed, +25% Damage for 8 seconds
Scaling: +4 seconds per level |
Offensive |
Penance | Cursed enemies drop +20% Rewards[1] | Utility |
Purity | Defeating a Cursed enemy gives +40% Experience for 8 seconds | Growth |
Ricochet | After using Shove, +20% Speed for 8 seconds. Increases damage caused by shove by +50
Scaling: +50 damage per level |
Movement |
Unmatched Talent | When using Shove, get 3 Mana for every enemy pushed
Scaling: +1 Mana per level |
Mana |
Name | Description | Type |
Authority | Minions move 5% slower | Utility |
Backstab | Champion enemies have -10% Health | Offensive |
Cunning | +5% incoming damage +25% to Experience from crystals Scaling: +6% incoming damage, +20% to Experience per level |
Growth |
Envoy | A Shrine will be always spawned in the dungeon. When praying, you earn 25% progress of your current Experience and recover 25% Health and Mana |
Growth Healing Mana |
Greater Sacrifice | While Sacrifice is active, you receive +25% damage, and deal +20% Damage | Offensive |
Pure Evil | -10% Health from potions. Deal +12% DamageScaling: -10%, +12% per level | Offensive |
Name | Description | Type |
Confidence | Length of negative status effects decreased by 20%
Scaling: additional 10% decrease per level |
Defensive |
Destruction | When Shell finishes, +20% Fire Rate for 5 seconds | Offensive |
Old School | -5% Fire Rate. +12% Damage | Offensive |
Punishment | While Shell is active, deal +30% Damage | Offensive |
Scars | If Health is below 50%, +20% Fire Rate Scaling: +20% Fire Rate per level |
Offensive |
The Voice of Experience | -5% Experience from crystals. Increase skill charge rate by 15% | Utility |
Name | Description | Type |
Last Breath | If Mana of the current weapon is below 25%, +20% to Damage | Offensive |
Pillaging | Recover 5% Health when picking up a Coin | Healing |
Plunder | While Shroud is active, enemies drop +40% more Rewards[1] | Utility |
Poison Master | +50% Poison damage dealt while Shroud is active | Offensive |
Smoke Bomb | Deal 120 Damage to nearby enemies when activating Shroud Scaling: +60 damage per level |
Offensive |
Surprise Attack | When Shroud ends, +50% Damage for 5 seconds | Offensive |
Name | Description | Type |
Disappointment | When a summoned Skeleton is defeated, +25% Damage for 5 seconds | Offensive |
Distraction | After using Raise Undead, +20% Speed for 6 seconds | Movement |
Impunity | Armor: -20% damage received for 4 seconds after picking up 5 Rewards | Defensive |
Instability | Skeletons explode when defeated, dealing 100 Damage to nearby enemies | Offensive |
Mob | Skeletons deal +6% Damage for every other skeleton summoned and still standing.
Scaling: +2% per level |
Offensive |
Reassembly | If a Skeleton is defeated, -1 second to Raise Undead cooldown | Utility |
Name | Description | Type |
Adrenaline | When receiving damage, decrease Vault cooldown time by 2 seconds | Utility |
Agility | 8% chances of ignoring a wound | Defensive |
Polish | +5% Mana usage. +10% Staff Damage |
Offensive |
Refocus | Defeating an enemy with a Spell or Alchemy weapon grants +50% Staff Damage for 6 seconds | Offensive |
Spectacle | Enemies defeated during a Leap drop +100% Rewards[1] | Utility |
Staff Specialist | +10% Staff Fire Rate. -5% Fire Rate for the other main weapon categories | Offensive |
Name | Description | Type |
Conconction | If you throw a Flask at yourself, you get Armor: -50% against incoming damage for 8 seconds | Defensive |
Experimentation | When defeating an enemy with an Alchemy weapon, you get unlimited Mana for Spell and Staff for 8 seconds | Offensive |
Prudence | Get 5 Shield. Decrease movement Speed by 6% | Defensive |
Refined mixture | Flasks deal +35% Damage | Offensive |
Thorough | +20% Damage. +10% Mana usage of Alchemy weapons | Offensive |
Versatile | When defeating an enemy with non-Alchemy weapons, decrease Flask cooldown by 2 seconds | Utility |
Name | Description | Type |
Devotion | Reduce Shield Bash cooldown by 5% | Utility |
Fervor | When hit, your Fire Rate increases by +20% for 6 seconds | Offensive |
Righteousness | Armor: -10% Basic damage received | Defensive |
Stoic | Armor: -10% damage received for 5 seconds after performing Shield Bash Scaling: -8% damage per level |
Defensive |
Unshakable Faith | When picking up a Health potion, you also recover 2 Shield points | Defensive |
Unswerving Will | Damage to Shield is reduced by 5% | Defensive |
Name | Description | Type |
Attuned | When defeating an enemy with a Spell, Blaze cooldown decreases by 0.5 second | Utility |
Bulk | While using Blaze:
Defensive Offensive |
Burnout | After using Blaze, +50% Elemental Fire Rate for 8 seconds | Offensive |
Flex |
Offensive |
Kickstart | At the start of a combat, +15% Fire Rate for 15 seconds | Offensive |
Mock | -10% Minion damage. +5% Minion speed | Defensive |